
اطلاعات "Enter"فشار دادن

  • تاریخ انتشار : 1395/05/18 - 10:36
  • بازدید : 5315
  • تعداد بازدید : 56
  • زمان مطالعه : 4 دقیقه

موارد جالب در هر ماه


با توجه به کیس مورد نظر (new case)، نظر خود را نسبت به  تشخیص آن بفرمایید:

گزارش موارد جالب:



Image What is your diagnosis Observation New Case

                1) AML M4

                2) LCH

                3) Pertussis

                4) JMML 

what is your diagnosis?


 Image Diagnosis what is your diagnosis Observation NO.
dysplastic basophil

1) chediak higashi


3)dysplastic basophil


what is your diagnosis ? 1

  1)AML M3

  2)AML M4

        3)Bilineage       leukemia


the patient is 6 years old whit chief compliant of pallor.

in labratory findiing is shown pancytopenia.

bone marrow is revealed below:


1) HLH

2) Leishmaniasis

3) Histoplasmosis

4) platelet in macrophage

The patient is 6 years old known case of rhabdomyosarcoma,after bone marrow transplant who developed persistent fever and splenomegaly.bone marrow is demonstrated below

What  is your diagnosis?





                           what is your diagnosis? 4



refractory anemia
  what is your diagnosis? 5



A 5 year old boy was admitted to the hospital for bulging on his forehead.

Histological examination showed increasing osteoclast.




congenital neutropenia

The patient is 2 days old with prominent superficial veins and undescendedtestis.
Lab finding is shown below:

The patient is 12 Y/O male, with chief complaint of fever and pallor since 2 months ago. There is not any history of hospital admission in the past. His CBC and bone marrow are shown below:


RBC:3   Hb:8.7    HCT:25    MCV:80    MCH:28   MCHC:31   PLT:25000

  B12 deficiency


6 year-old male without any relevant past medical history presented with asthenia for 3 to 4 weeks.A physical examination showed pale conjunctivae and skin. An automatic blood cell count revealed advanced anemia (hemoglobin, 58 g/L), high mean cell volume (129 fL), low white blood cell count (3.3 3 109/L), and normal platelet count. Reticulocytevalues were 72 3 109/L. A peripheral blood (PB) film revealed anisocytosis.theperipheral blood smear is shown below.whatis your diagnosis? 9
  glanzmann thrombasthenia   A 4-year-old boy was referred for severe anemia. At presentation CBC showed: Hb: 6.4 g/dL, Platelet: 469000, WBC: 8700/mm3. For evaluation of anemia, CT scan of chest and abdomen was performed which showed bilateral pulmonary hemorrhage. As a result primary coagulation screening tests was performed which were as follows: PT: 14 sec, INR: 1, aPTT: 38 sec, BT: 15 min, Factor XIII screen:Normal. Due to prolonged bleeding time, platelet function study was performed which showed following results: Platelet aggregation with Ristocetin: Normal, Platelet aggregation with ADP, collagen, Arachidonic acid: 0% 10


Acute monoblastic and acute monocytic leukemia

  A 3-mounth-old girl presented with cateneuos lesions that apeared at fourth week of her life. in another hospital, these lesions were diagnosed as hemangioma and treat with proponalol. However, the number and the size the lesions were increased. she was admitted to our hospital with a lot of cateneuos lesions. on physical examination, purplished- red macules and nodules were seen on her face, trunk and limbs with a blueberry muffin patern. Her liver was 2 cm below the costal margin. superficial ultrasoun examination showed avascular structure of this lesions. 11
cold hemolytic anemia   The patient is 4 yrs old with chief complaint of fever since 4 days ago. His complete blood count showed hemoglobin of 95 g/L, and a normal white count and platelet count. Other tests included an indirect bilirubin of 2.0. 12
http://pchd.sbmu.ac.ir/uploads/oldfile/335/case_dey_mah.png Side effect of GCSF  

The patient is 2 years old known case of ALL and he is on chemotherapy. he dosen't have any fever





side effect of hydroxyurea
  what is your diagnosis?


  Russell Body in AML  

14 year-old girl presented with migratory bone pain. Bone marrow aspiration revealed blasts.


  Bilineage leukemia   a 8 years old boy with pancytopenia. 16
  Imerslund grasbeck Syndrome


A 6 years old boy, with chief complain of pallor. His Bone marrow and peripheral blood smear are shown:


All B.Cell  

A 6 year-old boy with chief complain of cough and mediastinal mass and leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia.

Pessary cell in imerslund syndro me  

A 4.5 year-old-boy with pancytopenia and elevated MCV & proteinuria.


A 2 Y/O Girl with Anemia (pancytopenia) and Splenomegalia



  • گروه خبری : عمومی,آرشیو اخبار,کیس های جالب
  • کد خبر : 12390
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